Know how to access your Sears Credit Card! To use a Sears credit card you have to login first. As you know that you can login to Sears credit card two ways like by telephone, or in person. Here we will guide you to login online.
Online access
The first thing you are supposed to do is to visit the Account and then enter your account number for the process.
After, you have filled up the account number you have to fill up the Social Security number of the primary card holder, that person’s date of birth and the billing address’s zip code, that is very important.
If you want to get alerts about your account you are also free to enter the email address on which you will get all the alerts. This step is optional, depending on your own wish.
Once, you are done with filling up the information, now, you have to set up your online account.
The first thing while setting up the account is to make a user ID and a password for further use. Make sure to have a user ID and password which is easy for you to remember. The password should be a strong one with a mixture of alphabets, numbers and characters.
Now, you will be asked to select two security questions for security purpose. This will ensure that only you have the access to your account. This will also ensure a Sears credit card secure sign on.
At the final step you are supposed to add some additional details asked on the screen for the setting up process. Once, you are done with all this, you just need to hit the Continue button which will complete the registration.
You can now, use your email address and your password to login into your account and can also check the balance after the log in.